Teacher Gifts:
I must confess, I'm not an expert knitter. I'm just starting to get my feet wet on this whole new avenue, so I made these pretty simple. It's just a basic knit stitch over and over until it was long enough to fold over. Then I sewed the two sides together and slapped a button on them. For presentation, I got three empty coffee cups and taped a gift card to the coffee place on top!
Mother Gifts:
These are the yarn wreaths I made for my mom, mother-in-law, and step mom. They are thinner than your normal yarn wreath, but I'm happy with the way they turned out. I bought the wreath at the dollar store and then took three different colors of yarn and wrapped around until my arm was about to fall off. Then I followed a very easy tutorial on how to make felt flowers. I can't WAIT to give them to the moms!
I've been trying so many ideas from Pinterest and I hope to blog about all of them. Some have worked wonderfully while others have been disasters. Stay tuned!